Tytuł pozycji:
Subwencjonowanie rolnictwa w ramach zasady de minimis
The Common Agricultural Policy, as compared with other EU economic policies, set goals that go far beyond purely economic aspects, taking into account the specificity of agricultural production, social
needs of agricultural producers, the need to provide the appropriate standard of living and environmental
protection, to develop agricultural structures and ensure sustainable development of rural areas, and to
level differences between production regions. The exceptional position of agricultural production is
especially noticeable in the sphere of financing agriculture, where support by public resources based on
domestic and EU funds is admissible. The most recent legal solutions in the sphere of subsidization relate to
de minimis support, previously not applied in the sector of agricultural production. The Commission
Regulation (EC) no. 1535/2007 of 20 December 2007 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC
Treaty to de minimis aid in the sector of agricultural production introduced a new instrument of financial
support, which is designed to simplify and deformalize the granting of aid provided in a small amount. De
minimis aid falls under the scope of domestic aid, which is granted within the limits defined by the
aforementioned Commission regulation on the basis of domestic law provisions and does not fall under the
notification procedure stipulated in Articles 87-89 of the EC Treaty.