Tytuł pozycji:
Bilans energetyczny oraz czasochłonność wybranych elementów w łańcuchu technologicznym pozyskiwania biomasy leśnej
The purpose of the research performed in the Augustowska Primeval Forest (NE Poland) was to estimate the energy spent on preparation and transportation of energetic biomass in form of chips made of final felling residues and comparing it with an energetic output received at the power plant in nearby Białystok. Data was collected in form of working's day activity study on 18 clear−cut areas during 67 hours of research. Research proved that currently used methods of harvesting, processing and transportation of forest biomass in form of chips are highly efficient from point of view of energy balance. However, this efficiency can even be raised by localizing of felling sites closer to the power plant. In such case, energy spent on chipping would probably be the most significant input.