Tytuł pozycji:
Śmierć Pańska i zaćmienie Słońca. Jana z Głogowa (1445–1507) rozważania o cudownym zjawisku astronomicznym
Arranged by topics, the essay covers the early sixteenth – century "Introductorium compendiosum in Tractatum sphaerae materialis Ioannis de Sacrobusto" written in Latin by the Polish scholar Jan of Głogów. The essay explores diverse aspects of his deliberations about the eclipse of the sun which was said to happen during the time of Christ’s death. In Jan`s opinion which was based on astronomical knowledge and ancient writers` judgments, the blocking of the light of the sun when the moon was between it and the earth, was a miraculous event which did not follow the known physical laws of nature and was therefore thought to be caused by God.