Tytuł pozycji:
Przygoda estetyczno-mentalna w przekładzie
Prevajalec in prevod sta pogosto označena metaforično (npr. prevajalec kot izdajalec, kanibal, kuhar, prevod kot uvoz avtorja in izvoz bralca, prevajanje kot širjenje obzorij ipd.), k tem oznakam želim dodati še eno: prevajanje kot dogodivščina prevajalca in bralca, prinaša jima zadovoljstvo, zadoščenje, razočaranje in muke. Prevajamo predvsem zaradi antropološke in obenem tudi sporazumevalne vloge prevoda. dogodivščina ni vezana le na potovanja, čeprav se ob pripravah na pot pogosto pripravimo tudi na nenavadna doživetja. od samega potovanja se razlikuje glede na racionalna, pragmatična, emocionalna in fizična pričakovanja. na pojem pričakovanje se vežejo lastnosti: šibke točke posameznika, ambicije, želja po sporazumevanju, spoznavanju in doživetju nečesa dotlej nepoznanega ter interakcija med njimi v obliki presenečenja, očaranosti in celo šokiranosti. V vsakem tipu prevoda je vsaj eden od elementov pomensko-predstavnega polja pojma »dogodivščina«. zaradi tega se posploševanje pravil (zlasti pri umetniškem prevodu) nenehno srečuje s težavami, tako kot udeležba na tečaju ustvarjalnega pisanja ne naredi iz vsakega udeleženca pesnika, pisatelja ali dramatika. zmeraj je zraven tisto, čemur rečemo nadarjenost in empatija.
The translator and translation are often referred to by means of metaphors (e.g. translator traitor, cannibal, cook, translation is the author’s import and the reader’s export, translation is a fusion of horizons, etc.), to which i will add another one: translation is an adventure for the translator and the reader, bringing joy, satisfaction, disappointment and suffering. We translate predominantly because of the anthropological, and thus the communicative, aspect of translation. adventure does not only mean a journey, although taking to the road, we very often expect extraordinary experiences. it is distinguished from the road by means of a desire of rational, pragmatic, emotional and physical nature. The paradigm of desire is defined by: individual weaknesses, ambition, desire for communication, knowledge and experience of something so far unknown and the interaction between them in the form of surprise, dazzlement, and even shock. all types of translation include at least one of the elements of the semantic-imagery field of the phenomenon and the word adventure. This results in that the normalization of rules (especially in the case of artistic translation) often meets with difficulties, just as not every participant of creative writing course is turned into a poet, writer or dramatist. There remains the ‘something’, which is called talent and empathy.