Tytuł pozycji:
Kształcenie nauczycieli języków obcych jako interdyscyplinarny przedmiot poznania naukowego. Refleksja metaglottodydaktyczna na temat relacji między glottodydaktyką a pedagogiką
The aim of the present article is meta-glottodidactic reflection on the choices Polish teaching specialists
make when defining and interpreting the interdisciplinary nature of a glottodidactic object of study. The
author focuses on the interdisciplinary character of the relationship between glottodidactics and
pedagogy as related sciences in foreign language teacher education discourse. What follows is an
analysis of the effects that Polish scholars’ epistemological choices may have on the consolidation of
knowledge within the Polish glottodidactic community. The author also stresses the influence those
choices might have on the mutual understanding between specialists representing glottodidactics (both
as theory and practice of foreign language education) and pedagogy.