Tytuł pozycji:
Kontemplacja i poznanie per raptum. Tomaszowe źródła rozumienia istoty doświadczenia mistycznego
The aim of the article is to present the
problem of contemplation and knowledge
per raptum in St. Thomas Aquinas’s
account. Both of these methods of cognizing
seem to be an inspiration for the
twentieth-century and contemporary
Thomists to build the concept of mystical
experience. Mystical experience is
defined differently in various thomistic
interpretations. However, we are primarily
interested in the recognition of M.
Gogacz, who understood the mystical
experience as a sudden, unexpected and
unearned experience of God by the human
potential intellect.
Although Thomas himself was not
concerned with the mystical experience
as such, but the analysis of selected texts
allows us to accept the thesis that mystical
experience, which was shared by
the great mystics (St. Teresa of Avila, St.
John of the Cross) contains some elements
of Thomistic contemplation, and
above all, the cognition per raptum.