Tytuł pozycji:
Charakterystyka warunków batymetrycznych i termicznych kompleksu jezior na przedpolu Lodowca Aavatsmarka, Svalbard
W sezonach letnich 2009 i 2010 roku przeprowadzono badania warunków batymetrycznych i termicznych kompleksu jezior na przedpolu Lodowca Aavatsmarka. Określono czasowe i przestrzenne zróżnicowanie temperatury powierzchniowej warstwy wody oraz uwarstwienie termiczne w pionach pomiarowych zlokalizowanych w wybranych punktach jezior, a także ich związek z wybranymi warunkami meteorologicznymi. Stwierdzono rzadko spotykane uwarstwienie termiczne masy wodnej jeziora. Sporządzono również plan batymetryczny akwenu i określono jego wybrane cechy morfometryczne.
In summer 2009 and 2010 the measurements of thermal conditions of the lakes located in the forefield of Aavatsmark Glacier, Oscar II Land, NW Spitsbergen, have been conducted. The object of research was the complex of a three moraine lakes: Upper, Middle and Lower. So far the bathymetry and selected elements of thermal and salinity conditions of those lakes was studied (Pietrucień and Skowron 1983; Małachowski and Sobota 2002, Sobota 2007). The results showed distinct differences in depth of lakes, which (beside physic characteristics and dynamic of water circulation) are the most important feature forming thermal conditions of water. The authors took regular measurements of the thermal stratification and temperature of a surface water layer (measured 0.4 m under water level). The area of the whole complex takes approximately 86 000 m2, with mean depth 2.6 m. These lakes are linked with the sea, so specific thermal and salinity conditions were observed. The heat flow in those reservoirs is mainly formed and dependent on characteristic salt and fresh water layers which has been shaped by water exchange between lakes and sea. Inflow of strongly saline sea water causing specific salinity stratification. In consequence the water masses with a different ability of heat absorption and cumulation are forming. Surface inflow is active only in a snowmelt period. Rainfall doesn't take important role in lakes alimentation. There is a need of further researches to define a detailed water circulation conditions.