Tytuł pozycji:
Measuring head for operational testing of car suspension systems with vibroacoustic methods
The article provides a discussion upon the structure of a measuring head designed and manufactured with the purpose of acquisition of data required by a diagnostic system for hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers of passenger cars operating based on vibroacoustic methods. The basis for the design development was a set of initial assumptions adjusted to the multidimensional methods of analysing vibration signals applied. For the design of the measurement track, a block diagram was proposed which was then extended by auxiliary electronic elements of the measuring system conforming with all the relevant requirements. The main components of the measurement track included: a three-axis sensor for vibration acceleration constructed based on one-axis converters, an angular displacement sensor usedfor measuring the rotation angle and linear velocity of a car and a laser road unevenness sensor. For the computer recording of the signals being measured, an analogue-digital cardwas used. The measuring head in question was mounted on a measuring trolley and then test and trial examinations were conducted while driving at various speeds up to 50 km/h in normal operating conditions. The repeatability of the measurement results obtained proved the measuring head's usability in testing.