Tytuł pozycji:
Chłoniak limfocytarny jelit / limfocytarne zapalenie jelit u kotów - problemy diagnostyczne
Lymphoma is the most common alimentary tumor in cats. In comparison to human pathology, just few histoclinical types of tumors were established in felines: type 1 EATL (enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma), composed of large, blastic T lymphocytes and type 2 EATL composed of small and medium, monomorphic T lymphoid cells (low grade lymphoma), less common, large B cell lymphomas and large granular lymphomas. In many cases diagnosis of intestinal lymphoma is easy, but differentiation between enteritis and type 2 EALT can
be problematic. Histopathology of full-thickness intestinal wall samples, supported by immunohistochemistry is crucial for diagnosis, however, molecular techniques, including PCR for antigen receptor rearrangement (PARR), can also be very helpful. Unfortunately, not in every case the distinct diagnosis can be established.