Tytuł pozycji:
Porównanie własności alfa-amylazy z larw trzeciego i czwartego stadium Anisakis simplex
α-Amylase is present in the third (L3) and in the fourth-stage (L4) of larvae from Anisakis simplex. The enzymes from both sources differ in same of their properties. Α-Amylase from L3 showed a maximum at pH 7,8, enzyme from L4 stage at pH 6,5. The α-amylase from L3 was mainly lysosomal enzyme. The enzyme from L4 was located in the microsomal fraction. The L3 α-amylase showed the inhibition by EDT A and by -SH reagent iodoacetic acid. These agents did not change the activity of L4 enzyme. Bath izoenzymes were unaffected by calcium and magnesium ions. Generally the α-amylase from L4 stage had higher activity (3,71 u/mg) than L3 one (2,29 u/mg).