Tytuł pozycji:
Kultura zaufania jako gwarant bezpieczeństwa
W artykule omówiono zjawisko kultury zaufania jako klimatu sprzyjającego utrzymaniu poczucia bezpieczeństwa. Zostały podane zarówno elementy składające się na kulturę zaufania, jak i obszary działań umożliwiające jej trwanie. Dokonano również analizy składowych kultury zaufania w świetle przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych. Należy podkreślić ważkość tego zjawiska nie tylko w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa, ale również w relacjach na poziomie społeczności lokalnych.
The article briefly discusses the phenomenon of a trust culture as a climate favorable for the maintenance of security. Both elements , the trust culture and areas of activity allowing its presence, have been discussed. We would also like to stress the importance of this phenomenon, not only in terms of safety but also in the whole relations on the level of local communities. We must remember that we live in conditions of uncertainty and risk in which the major role plays the trust. Trust has become, for people, the main strategy to deal with ignorance and inability to control the future – “The strategy of simplification, which allows individuals to adapt to a complex social environment, and thus benefit from a wider pool of possibility”. We believe that there will be the dominant climate of trust on the Earth. It will destroy instability and social unrest and it will save humanity from destruction. Maybe our thinking and approach to life is Utopian, idealized, but like P. Sztompka we believe in Utopia, and we agree with the opinion of a sociologist Max Weber, who has said that if Christopher Columbus had not wanted to get to India by sea, he would not have discovered America. In our opinion the time is worth to be spent to create an Utopia in order to achieve something.