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Data for the article entitled: Mid-infrared optical frequency comb spectroscopy using an all-silica antiresonant hollow-core fiber
Files include the data presented in the manuscript entitled "Mid-infrared optical frequency comb spectroscopy using an all-silica antiresonant hollow-core fiber" by D. Tomaszewska-Rolla, P. Jaworski, D. Wu, F. Yu, A. Foltynowicz, K. Krzempek and G. Soboń.
Figure 2 presents simulated transmission spectrum of the antiresonant hollow-core fiber in the mid-IR spectra band.
Figure 3 presents transmission spectra of the difference-frequency-comb-based comb through antiresonant hollow-core fiber and multipass cell with the residuals.
Figure 4 presents absorption spectra measured using a difference-frequency-comb-based optical frequency comb and Fourier transform spectrometer in theantiresonant hollow-core fiber and multipass cell, compared to fits based on HITRAN or PNNL database (in negative for clarity) with the residuals for: 2.08 ppmv of methane (CH4); 1.07 ppmv of ethane (C2H6); 9.64 ppmv of butane (C4H10); 10.26 ppmv of pentane (C5H12).