Tytuł pozycji:
Wyniki badan wod studziennych z terenu oddzialywania zakladow chemicznych "Police"
Przebadano wodę z kilkudziesięciu studni przydomowych w miejscowościach, położonych w sąsiedztwie Zakładów Chemicznych „Police" w celu określenia wpływu zanieczyszczeń emitowanych przez te zakłady na wodę podziemną. Stwierdzono związek wprowadzonych zmian technologicznych z jakością wody.
The subject of this study was the determination of the correlation between the operation of Chemical Plant „Police" and contamination of uderground waters.
The waters from tens wells in 16 localities were tested in 1982, 1987 and 1990. The indicators of contaminations emited in different form by Chemical Plant „Police" as fluorides, ammonia and its derivatives nitrites and nitrates, sulphates, phosphates and also chlorides were tested. Bacteriological examinations of water also were performed. Investigations performed in 1987, confrontated to 1982, showed development concentration of ammonia and minor as depends fluorides and sulphates. In 1990 lowering of average level of all chemical indicators were obtained. Presumable the introduction of technological changes in Plant determined the reduction of contaminations of underground water in this area.